Is genital warts and HPV treatment are the same ? No, you can treat genital area and remove visible warts but still have the HPV in that area.
Does HPV BCR™ remove HPV infected area ? Yes, the concept of treatment was to physically remove genital warts by excision and at different step would target the layer of skin cells that host the HPV. Removing the HPV infected host cells ( Basal cells ) would eliminate HPV in that particular area.
Can I get HPV warts in new area after Treatment ? if you live a risky life and you continue to have sex with HPV positive partner who keep re-infecting you then you carry the chance to get infected in new area again. It is like you get cold and you can catch cold again, no one can prevent that except yourself. Usually the exact area we have treated with BCR™ will not have HPV tumor recurrence. Saying that, We have treated myriad of patients from all over the world and they live a normal life.
Does HPV keep coming and going away after treatment ?
No, either you have HPV or you don’t. It won’t come and go on its own or after any treatment. They could be less visible or problematic after incomplete treatment and reappear and become more visible again. They are Less or more visible but they don’t come and go.
Is genital warts same as HPV ? No, HPV is a contagious sexually transmitted disease can cause so many problems and one of the problem is genital warts.
Does HPV go away on its own ?
In The question of whether HPV goes away on its own can be confusing. Around 42% of the population is HPV positive, but not everyone with HPV needs treatment. Those with symptoms, such as genital warts, anal warts, oral or laryngeal HPV lesions, abnormal Pap smears, or cancer, should seek treatment. Testing for HPV is often done when individuals are already experiencing symptoms. It's crucial for those with symptoms and a positive HPV test to get timely treatment.
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