Copyright Courtesy Of S, Arani, MD 

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Urethral HPV, Urethra warts, penile hole wart,

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All pictures are real and have been scanned for this website and belong to our patients. All patients have been treated by Dr. Arani. We have used  Canon digital SLR. Medical picture publisher should post following "results may not occur for all patients". We have not used any models on this website. You may request to see hard copy pictures in person at the clinic.

Urethral HPV, Urethra warts, penile hole wart,

Urethral Benign Tumor

Urethra, Warts, HPV 

Urethral is the duct in penile which is connected to urinary bladder. It takes the urine from bladder to  the urethral meatus which is external opening of urogenital duct. Urethral meatus gets contacted to female genital during sexual intercourse and cervix. Urethral meatus HPV growth is one of the most difficult cases to get treated. 
The accessibility is limited and bleeding and complication is common. You really can’t apply topical treatment either. 
Our approach is to remove them and make sure we get a tissue path so we don’t miss any undesirable cytology as well as prevention of relapses. The BCR™ targets the area with the assistance of a microscope. We have done so many successful cases as you can see our photo gallery.  If left untreated might further infiltrate more proximal urethral  or cause urinary obstruction which can be a serious complication and urinary obstruction. There are ususally 2 type of presentation with urethral Condyloma or Condylomata. 

first group of patient present with growth on their penile tip and urethral meatus. Second group usually present with genital warts which has not been treated promptly and quickly and later by autoinoculation infect the urethral opening. At this time patients get the alarm and seek real treatment of his condition. 

Complications of Urethral HPV Treatment 

1-Urinary Obstruction 

Blockage of urinary flow due to tumor obstruction of urethra 

​2- Urethral Carcinoma 

HPV has been linked to Urethral Cancer in both male and female and we always perform Cancer screening on urethral growth upon treatment. 

3- Bleeding 

HPV growth are highly vascular so they bleed easily 

4-Pain upon urine or sex 

The location of tumor contribute to pain 

5- Urethral Anatomical damage 

HPV epithelial tumor will damage the lining